Enforceability of Exit/Put options under the SCRA, 1956 - by Srinivas Kotni and Ankita Singh

The Put options are essentially exit rights under investment agreements, such as those involving joint ventures as well as private equity and venture capital investments.Private Equity (“the PE”) Investments and Foreign Direct Investments in majority of cases comprise of an exit option

Services Subject to Reverse Charge by Srinivas Kotni and Shikha Bardwaj

List of services subject to reverse charge .i.e. services wherein service tax payment liability is upon service recipient. It is to be noted that certain services are subject to partial reverse charge wherein both, service recipient and service provider are liable to pay service tax (please refer the table below to determine the respective liabilities of service recipient and service provider in case of services which are subject to partial reverse charge)

Landmark Judgement on the Powers of Indian Courts over Arbitration Proceedings situated Overseas

“Bharat Aluminium Co. V. Kaiser Aluminium Technical Service, Inc.” - Landmark Judgement on the Powers of Indian Courts over Arbitration Proceedings situated Overseas By Ankita Singh & Mananjay Mishra

Opening The Doors Of Indian Boundaries For Foreign Law Firms by Srinivas Kotni

The Advocates Act, 1961 specifies that only "advocates" as defined under the Act are entitled to practice the profession of law in India

Delhi-based firm Corporate LEXport expands operations to Bangalore; Firm to be restructured

Delhi-based law firm Corporate LEXport has recently opened an office in Bangalore. Corporate LEXport Founder and Managing Associate, Srinivas Kotni (pictured) will divide his time between the Delhi and Bangalore offices.